7 Quotes & Sayings By Qm Sidd

Q.M. Sidd is a prolific and prodigious writer, and has been since he was a child. Considered by many to be one of India's finest modern writers, Sidd is the author of over 250 books, which have been translated into 22 languages, and has had more than 100 of his novels translated into movies and serials. His work has been featured in literary journals in India and overseas, and he is the recipient of numerous awards including the Sahitya Akademi Award for Literature in 1982.

Drifting away from one’s culture leaves one stranded in the middle of nowhere till the time his suffocation strangles him. Q.M. Sidd
If we agree that God did not create poverty then, in my opinion, it came in to being as a consequence of human rights violations. Q.M. Sidd
If we agree that God did not create poverty, then in my opinion, poverty came in to being as a consequence of human rights violations. Q.M. Sidd
We live in the present all the time and the past does not matter anymore. Only if we can understand this in the past, when the past is the present, we would be able to live every moment with satisfaction and joy. Only if we understand that the quarrels and miseries, the sadness and even the strongest of problems of the present will not matter to us in the future in a way they do now; we can be content with whatever our present holds in store for us. Q.M. Sidd
When you move on in life, you always leave behind some things- some myths and some mysteries, that cannot be fathomed by the heart, without going back to the past and visiting yourself again; in that time, at that place. You can only understand such things and solve such riddles if, in your imagination, you can live the life again and be in that place again, where you left a part of you. Q.M. Sidd
Knowledge is the comprehensive embodiment of imagination that surfaces in observation and finally ripens through the reinforcement of experience thereby inculcating knowledge. This in fact is the short story of life. Q.M. Sidd